Bars & Drinks
Seller Server Classes

How is a TABC Certificate different from a TABC License/Permit

The successful completion of a alcoholic beverage server training course will qualify the individual for a Texas TABC seller Training Certification. TABC certified Seller/Servers, bartenders or liquor-serving employees may legally serve alcoholic beverages at a TABC licensed/permitted establishment. is not associated in any way with the issuance or renewal of an alcohol sales, distribution or production license/permit. TABC’s licensing department has developed courses for applicants to complete through the TABC website in order for a business to qualify for the issuance/renewal of a license/permit

Bars & Drinks

If you are looking for an online alcohol seller-server course, then you have found it. provides an online responsible alcoholic beverage training course to any person who needs to obtain seller server certification in order to work in the alcohol service industry.