Cocktails & Mixers
Bars & Drinks
Seller Server Classes

For the sake of Sake

Sake (pronounced SAH-kay), also known as Japanese rice wine, is an alcoholic beverage that is kind of like wine, and kind of like beer, but is uniquely different from either.

Unlike wine, which is typically produced by fermenting the natural sugar content of grapes or other fruits, sake is a grain-based alcohol that brewed much like beer. But where beer brewing uses a two-step process of converting starch to sugar and then sugar to alcohol, the sake brewing process is a single-step conversion. The alcohol content of sake, typically ranging from 15-20%), is significantly higher than that of beer (3-9%), and a bit higher than that of wine (9-16%).

The best sake uses polished rice—that is rice processed to remove the bran which can produce unpleasant flavors. Sake produced with the highest percentages of polished rice boasts a pure, light taste, fragrant nose and clear appearance, and is considered the premium form of sake.

Of course, as with any premium alcoholic beverage, the better the quality, the higher the price.

Cocktails & Mixers

SSC - Seller Server Classes is part of the family of online courseware provided by Our cost effective online educational and certification service offers courseware to meet your business training needs.

If you are looking for an online Seller Server Course, then you have found it. will take you through the fundamentals of alcohol training for your seller-server card, license, permit or certificate. Once the course has been completed, you should have a good understanding of the laws that govern the sale of alcohol and the skills needed to legally serve and sell alcohol.