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Chile Chipotle and Plantain Mole (Mole de Chile Chipotle con Plátano Macho)

A recipe for mole made chipotle and plantains

You can find this recipe at El Restaurante

Recipe courtesy of Chef Betty Vázquez, Nayarit, México

This mole can be used to cover your protein of choice. it goes great with beef, chicken or seafood.

The Chipotle in Sweet Adobo (Chile Chipotle en Adobo Dulce)

4 chiles chipotle                                             

1/3 cup canola oil                                                            

2 cups white onion, thinly sliced                         

4 cloves garlic                                                   

4 leaves bay leaves                                                         

4 sprigs oregano, fresh                                               

4 sprigs thyme, fresh                                                    

2½ cups apple cider vinegar                                       

6 tablespoons piloncillo*, grated (unrefined brown cane sugar)                                        

1½ teaspoon sea salt               

 Remove seeds and stems of chiles. Heat the oil in a saucepan and sauté the onion, garlic and chiles for 8 minutes. Add 1½ cups of water and the remaining ingredients. Cook until the chiles are slightly tender. Set aside to cool. Reserve. (For better flavor prepare in advance, up to 10 days).

Non-Chile Ranchera Sauce (Salsa Ranchera sin Chile)

2.2 lbs. Roma tomatoes                                                  

1 white onion, medium                                 

1 clove garlic         

Cook all ingredients together in small amount of water until they start to turn brown and soft. Transfer to a blender and blend well until smooth. Reserve.

The Sweet Plantains (Dulce de Plátano Macho)

2.2 lbs. plantain, ripe and black                               

1 3-inch Mexican cinnamon stick                             

3 oz. sugar                                                                   

1½ oz. unsalted butter                      

Peel the plantain, place in a saucepan. Slightly cover with water, add the cinnamon stick and sugar. Cook over low heat until cooked thoroughly. Transfer to a blender. While still hot, add the butter.

To make the mole: Blend the chipotle en adobo dulce mixture. Reserve. In a saucepan mix together 1 cup of each of the following: chile chipotle en adobo, salsa ranchera sin chile and dulce de plátano macho. Season with salt to taste.

El Restaurante

El Restaurante magazine was founded in 1997, and is read by over 25,000 owners and managers of Mexican and Latin restaurants in the United States. The magazine is published five times per year by Maiden Name Press, LLC in Chicago, Illinois.

El Restaurante also publishes a monthly e-newsletter, eMex, and maintains the popular website

El Restaurante is edited by Kathleen Furore, a veteran journalist. She has been the editor since the magazine was founded. Kathleen can be reached at 708-267-0023 or

For advertising information, please contact publisher Ed Avis at or 708-218-7755.

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