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Canchánchara with Prickly Pear

This recipe can be found at El Restaurante

Recipe and photo from Spice Kitchen: Healthy Latin and Caribbean Cuisine by Chef Ariel Fox

Makes 1 cocktail

2 oz. white rum

1 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice

½ oz. fresh prickly pear, peeled and chopped

½ oz. honey syrup (equal parts honey and purified water)

Club soda

Lime wheel, for garnish

Add rum, lime juice, prickly pear, and honey syrup to a cocktail shaker with ice and shake well until chilled, about 15 seconds. Strain into a stemless wineglass filled with fresh ice. Top with club soda, and garnish with a floating lime wheel.


El Restaurante

El Restaurante magazine was founded in 1997, and is read by over 25,000 owners and managers of Mexican and Latin restaurants in the United States. The magazine is published five times per year by Maiden Name Press, LLC in Chicago, Illinois.

El Restaurante also publishes a monthly e-newsletter, eMex, and maintains the popular website

El Restaurante is edited by Kathleen Furore, a veteran journalist. She has been the editor since the magazine was founded. Kathleen can be reached at 708-267-0023 or

For advertising information, please contact publisher Ed Avis at or 708-218-7755.


A collection of interesting recipes than range from appetizing dinner dishes to your favorite alcoholic beverages.

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