Cocktails & Mixers
Bars & Drinks
Seller Server Classes

California Online Spanish RBS SellerServerClasses Launched!

EduClasses® is proud to announce the launch of the new Spanish version of the California Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Seller Server Classes training course. EduClasses® is the first online California RBS Training Provider to offer an online training course in Spanish. Individuals who speak Spanish can now go to to take their California RBS training course online.

Cocktails & Mixers

SSC - Seller Server Classes is part of the family of online courseware provided by Our cost effective online educational and certification service offers courseware to meet your business training needs.

If you are looking for an online Seller Server Course, then you have found it. will take you through the fundamentals of alcohol training for your seller-server card, license, permit or certificate. Once the course has been completed, you should have a good understanding of the laws that govern the sale of alcohol and the skills needed to legally serve and sell alcohol.