FHC Survey
Food Handler Classes would like to make your next experience with us even better. You can help us do this by taking a few minutes to take our survey.
Account Creation
How did you find the website?
Did the website provide enough information regarding what the course offered?
Did you find the website navigation easy to use?
Were the course instructions clear and understandable?
How would you rate the difficulty of creating your account?
Course Purchase
How would you rate the difficulty of making your purchase?
Did you have any difficulty understanding the course study material?
Did the course material adequately prepare you for the exam?
Did you find the exercises at the end of the modules helpful?
Did you use the audio narration while taking the course?
If you used the audio narration while taking the course, how would you rate your experience?
Do you feel the number of questions were adequate?
Did the mix of questions seem fair?
Were the questions worded clearly and easy to understand?
Tech Support
Did you require technical support?
If you required technical support, were the support personnel friendly?
If you required technical support, was your issue resolved to your satisfaction?
Final Comments
How would you rate the value of the training you received through FHC?
Would you recommend FHC to your friends?
Were you part of a group purchase?
* What is your overall opinion of the course?
How could we have made your experience using FHC better?